Our 10 Favorite Concert Tours of 2016

1. Saint Pablo Tour – Kanye West

Photo by Dan Garcia/The Early Registration
Photo by Dan Garcia/The Early Registration

Additional Acts: None

Dates: August – November 2016

Although Drake & Future’s Summer Sixteen Tour and Beyonce’s Formation Tour each are worthy of the number one spot, only one tour changed the game in 2016. Kanye West’s critically acclaimed Saint Pablo Tour was like nothing anyone had ever seen. Totally rewriting how concerts are ran, Kanye ditched a stage and instead created a floating platform that moved throughout the crowd. Not only did this allow for Kanye to break many arena’s attendance records, but it created for an especially unique experience on the floor. There was nothing like, and there will be nothing like, the Saint Pablo Tour, so if you missed out, it’s truly a shame.

Photos by Dan Garcia/The Early Registration

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